Whenever a child is absent from school, a telephone call to school is needed to explain his/her absence. The school nurse will call home if no information about the child’s absence is received that day.
Please call the health office if your child develops any medical conditions such as asthma, food allergies, migraines, ADD/ADHD, diabetes, etc
Please alert the school nurse if your child is taking any medication, or if your child’s medication changes. This is very important so that the nurses can be on the alert for possible side effects.
Should a temporary or permanent condition prohibit your child from participation in Physical Education class, you MUST provide the school nurse with a physician’s note documenting the condition and the physical restrictions.
Be sure to update the health office if your home, work or cell phone numbers change.
Please be sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather. This would include a hat, gloves, boots, and snow pants in the winter, and a hat and sunscreen in the warmer months.
Make sure your child has appropriate footwear. Sneakers are the best choice for recess and physical education.
Accidents happen. It is a good idea for younger children to pack a spare set of clothes to stay in their backpacks.
Treat minor things at home so your child does not miss learning time coming to the health office for chapped lips, bug bites, or poison ivy.